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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Gong-gong's birthday

We celebrated Gong-gong's birthday at Pearl River Restaurant @ Suntec..
Why there?? Cos Mommy Me was giving talk @ Suntec so more convenient to eat there...
But gong-gong said no supposed to celebrate cos his mom just passed on so we kept it veli simple.. Just have a dinner only...
Lucas was in a good mood and having good appetite.. Ate a lot and kept going 'rice, please... soup soup..' He even went "jiejie, xie xie.."
Cos the waitress there knew Mommy Me so she paid a bit more attention to our table..
And played with Lucas a bit.. Picked the stuff he dropped too...
See, he even played with the table napkin.. Guess more cos his gums were itchy...

p/s: Spotted a middle-aged man who kept staring at Lucas.. Well, I noe Lucas is a bit noisy.. But hey, you have children who will give you grandchildren in future.. If you can't take the noise next time, you plan to gag them??!!

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