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Monday, April 5, 2010


Today is the actual 清明...
We went to 光明山in the early morning, around 7++ am.. Not many people...
Guess, cos today is a MONDAY... We dropped 公公 and 婆婆 off first and drove to a nearby carpark to park the car..
We waited quite a while and spotted a Merz moving off.
Daddy inched forward and saw another van trying to move into the lot..
Well, Daddy decided he was not in the mood to be Mr Nice so blocked half the lot...
The person got off and confronted Daddy who told the person we were waiting here already..
The person actually said we came from behind and wanted to hijack the lot.. Diaoz..
So unreasonable person..
Anyway, Daddy stood to his ground and refused to move.
So the person had no choice but to find another lot...
Mommy Me was quite taken aback by the person's attitude.. Lucky, we got the lot...
We walked to the temple to look for 公公 and 婆婆.
Lucas was staring at lots and lots of turtles while we were waiting...

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