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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fav Shots From HK

This will sum up my entire HK trip... I have sorted all the photos.. About 400++ of them and selected a few of my FAV photos...

Photo 1: Lucas is sleeping.. hush hush... Lucas had been sleeping pretty well throughout this trip... In fact, he will knock out from 9pm and sleep all the way till 7am the next morning.. So Mommy Me got to sleep well too.. ^^
Photo 2: Lucas and his remote control... My dear TV addict... First thing he laid his hand on in both hotels is the remote control.. hmm... A crouch potato in the making... OH NO!!!!
Photo 3: Lucas luv songs... And he made me sing songs to him while walking out of the Central MTR... Though pple were looking at me, heck it... hahaha..
Photo 4: Astro Boy and Lucas.. Got some resemblance.. Equally cute... ^^
Photo 5: The highlight of the trip.. Disneyland Theme Park...
Photo 6: A special arrangement or rather insistence by Daddy Sky to stay at the Disney hotel... where we get to have breakfast with the Disney Characters...
Photo 7: Another insistence by Daddy Sky... To climb up the flight of stairs... Frankly, I would not be able to do it without encouragement or again insistence from Daddy Sky... :p
Photo 8: Last day at the Disney Hotel... Lucas finally willing to get out of the cot and sat on the armchair for a shot
Mommy Me had earlier planned to stay in the City Hotel for 3 nights... But at Daddy's insistence, we stayed one night at Disneyland Hotel.. Sometimes, Mommy Me needs a nudge from Daddy and the end result is always better than expected... ^^

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