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Monday, April 26, 2010

Home alone

Yes, Mommy Me is home alone with Lucas as Daddy Sky has gone for trade conference in China again... Wish me luck... Lucky this round only going 9 days and I have passed 2 days... 7 days to go...

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Mommy Me made an arrangement for the family photoshoot... Wonder how it will turn out... According to Auntie Cyn, I need to make some preparations like what to wear and the colour scheme and the toys to appear in the shots.. Since the photo-taking is end May, I presume I still have lotsa time.. For a start, I got a set of family tees...
Got to think through more... ^^

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Jus luv kiddy ride

The kiddy rides @ Vivo are often crowded.. So we took a slow walk over to HarbourFront.. And no one is playing the kiddy rides over there..

Lucas got to play all the kiddy rides by himself.. Haha, managed to take a video clip...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Reasonably Priced Dinner

Having heard a fair bit about Aston, Mommy Me decided to check them out this evening... Went to the outlet @ Keypoint as the other one at Suntec is always having a loooong Q... We managed to get a table before the Q builds up around 7.30 pm... Service staff was few and could tell they were a little bit stressed.. Lucas self-entertained with a biscuit...

I ordered a Prime Ribeye.. And Daddy Sky ordered a Prime Ribeye Extra Cut...

Verdict: Food is nice and the steak cut was reasonable for the price we paid.. Oh ya, we paid $36 for the above plus a hot tea and a cappuccino.... ^^

Monday, April 12, 2010


We bought Lucas a set of playmobil.. Supposed to be track and train... He took them up and ran around the room with the track...
Hmm, did he think that he was 哪吒?? And that was his 风火轮??

Finally, convinced him to let me keep the tracks...

18th month jab

Aiyo... so many rounds of jabs.. still haven finished.. Today brought Lucas for Jab again.. 5-in-1 booster jab... =.='''
We had breakfast @ Canele @ Paragon.. Daddy Sky studying on the drink list on what coffee to order..
Mommy Me luvs their soft chairs...
Lucas, who does not want his yogurt, was waiting for my food...As soon as it reached my side of the table, he reached for them... =.=''
The only thing that I manage to take before food is served.... Needless to say, food is not taken cos Lucas was so fast...

On our way home, Lucas spotted the bandage over his injection and was trying to peel it off...
Only gave up when I told him must show gong-gong & po-po for them to sayang his thigh... Aiyo... Attention seeking boi... =.='''

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Rushing to complete the praying before the Qing Ming period ends...
We went to 双林寺 where 婆婆’s mom, dad and brothers are placed at...
Lucas was veli smart.. The moment he entered the temple, he said 拜 拜。
Mommy took sometime to admire the flowers and plants there.. So well maintained...

Now Lucas is zzz-ing @ 婆婆’s place.. Waiting for him to wake up den will pick them to go lunch...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hokaiddo Ramen

Mommy Me & Daddy Sky went to catch a movie last night.. Ate ramen @ Aoba...Ah blur me forgot to take photos... Aiya... Enjoy those man-made ones below la... Paiseh ah....
The ramen was nice.. And the soup base was different.
Daddy Sky complained that the variety was too little..
Well, the restaurant so small, make do la.. So mafan one... =.='''

Friday, April 9, 2010

Clash of the Titans

Mommy Me will be catching this show this evening.. Excited again.. Woots.. Last watched this story when I was a kid.. Po-po taped it for me and played over and over again... Mommy Me was amazed with the story back then..

For those who dunno the story, see below: ^^

In Clash of the Titans, the ultimate struggle for power pits men against kings and kings against gods. But the war between the gods themselves could destroy the world. Born of a god but raised as a man, Perseus is helpless to save his family from Hades, vengeful god of the underworld. With nothing left to lose, Perseus volunteers to lead a dangerous mission to defeat Hades before he can seize power from Zeus and unleash hell on earth. Leading a daring band of warriors, Perseus sets off on a perilous journey deep into forbidden worlds. Battling unholy demons and fearsome beasts, he will only survive if he can accept his power as a god, defy his fate and create his own destiny.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hot hot night

Think it is the Qing Ming season, rains in the day and then gets real humid @ night.. Thou Lucas is already dressed in light clothes, I think he still feels warm...
See.. he took off the top himself...
Trying to take it off completely... But cannot do it...
Asked him to pose a shot for us... ^^

p/s: Pictures have been edited to reduce exposure... lolx..

Monday, April 5, 2010


Today is the actual 清明...
We went to 光明山in the early morning, around 7++ am.. Not many people...
Guess, cos today is a MONDAY... We dropped 公公 and 婆婆 off first and drove to a nearby carpark to park the car..
We waited quite a while and spotted a Merz moving off.
Daddy inched forward and saw another van trying to move into the lot..
Well, Daddy decided he was not in the mood to be Mr Nice so blocked half the lot...
The person got off and confronted Daddy who told the person we were waiting here already..
The person actually said we came from behind and wanted to hijack the lot.. Diaoz..
So unreasonable person..
Anyway, Daddy stood to his ground and refused to move.
So the person had no choice but to find another lot...
Mommy Me was quite taken aback by the person's attitude.. Lucky, we got the lot...
We walked to the temple to look for 公公 and 婆婆.
Lucas was staring at lots and lots of turtles while we were waiting...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Home Alone...

Lucas was home alone with Daddy Sky who always claims that Lucas bullied him.. Well, check out the extent of damage Lucas did...
Refused to eat his lunch for a start....
See the mess he made to the study... Then when they were about to leave the house to go po-po's house.. Lucas dropped the toy fan that po-po bought the night before and all the sweets from the toy fan scattered over the hall...
Close-up view..
Hmm... Looks like Lucas is really bullying Daddy... Cos he won't realli dare do this to Mommy Me... Oops...

Gong-gong's birthday

We celebrated Gong-gong's birthday at Pearl River Restaurant @ Suntec..
Why there?? Cos Mommy Me was giving talk @ Suntec so more convenient to eat there...
But gong-gong said no supposed to celebrate cos his mom just passed on so we kept it veli simple.. Just have a dinner only...
Lucas was in a good mood and having good appetite.. Ate a lot and kept going 'rice, please... soup soup..' He even went "jiejie, xie xie.."
Cos the waitress there knew Mommy Me so she paid a bit more attention to our table..
And played with Lucas a bit.. Picked the stuff he dropped too...
See, he even played with the table napkin.. Guess more cos his gums were itchy...

p/s: Spotted a middle-aged man who kept staring at Lucas.. Well, I noe Lucas is a bit noisy.. But hey, you have children who will give you grandchildren in future.. If you can't take the noise next time, you plan to gag them??!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Classes Begin...

After one week's break, it's back to classes again...
This new term we have changed to another classroom..
Took this picture before the rest of the students and teacher are in.. heeheehee cos no cameras allowed...
Have to resume all the home practice..
Jiayou, Mommy Me!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Crab crab...

We had crab @ Irvin's Seafood..Here is wat we ate:

  • Salted Egg Crab
  • Chili Crab
  • Kailan in butter sauce
  • Sotong in chilli & pepper
  • Chili La-la
  • Hotplate tofu
Verdict: So-so only... =.=''' Some more, Gong-gong & Daddy Sky not quite full...We ended up at TCC @ Great World drinking coffee, tea, cake and potato wedges... Diaoz...


Whenever Lucas lays his hands on a phone, he will go "Hello, yes..." Den repeat "Hello, yes..."
He sounds like as though he is in business... Hahaha... Today he lagi cute... See, he is pretending to talk into the phone but not even using his hands to hold the phone...

Kiddy Ride @ Vivo

See, this gungho boi din even hold on to the steering wheel on the ride...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Egg Curd 鸡蛋花

Mommy Me ordered this from a BP online.. Egg Curd 鸡蛋花 - - Made from Egg.. Tastes quite nice... Ordered 3 tubs at one shot and finished 2 in office...

Brought the third tub to po-po's house and only took 2 small bowls back home.. Mommy Me fed Lucas with one bowl and he kept going 'good good'... He actually finished one bowl on his own..

Then when Daddy Sky was eating his portion, Lucas wanted too.. Aiyo... Poor Daddy.. Only ate a bit.. Never mind, Mommy Me has placed order for more tubs.. hahaha
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